
We could not do the work we do at the MCL without the generous gifts of time and energy from our wonderful group of volunteers. Over eighty volunteers are actively involved with the Library, contributing over 2,600 hours of service a year. Volunteers help the Library in many ways with their unique talents, skills, and knowledge, connecting people and building community.

We welcome new volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering for the Library, the first step is to complete and return a Volunteer Application (see tab at right). Once your application is received, we will schedule a time to talk and discuss opportunities that may be a good fit with your skills and interests.

You must be at least 12 years old to volunteer at the Library. For those ages 12-17, please fill out the Teen Volunteer form (see tab at right).

More more information about volunteering, you may contact us at volunteer@mclvt.org or (802) 362-2607.

Adult Volunteer Form

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Interests for volunteering at the library (check all that apply):
* Please note the volunteer roles that require additional background checks, confidentiality agreements, etc are marked with an asterisk.
Do you have any physical limitations?(Required)
Examples: grant writing, graphic design, video editing, landscaping, organizing, etc.
Are you (check all that apply):
Days you are Available:
Please note preferred times of day (mornings, afternoons, and/or evenings).
Times of Day you are Availabile:
Emergency contact Name:
Emergency contact Name:
By adding your initials to the space below, I authorize the Manchester Community Library (MCL) to seek emergency medical treatment on my behalf in case of accident, injury, or illness while undertaking work as a volunteer and will not hold the MCL or its staff responsible in any way. I fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all duties that I perform for the MCL in my volunteer capacity. Such duties might include but are not limited to: reaching, pushing, lifting, bending, stooping, kneeling, and crouching; and other volunteer duties I agree to undertake. I agree not to hold the MCL, its agents and employees, or successors or assigns of said corporation, liable for any injuries or damage that I may sustain when representing the MCL during the course of my volunteer duties.
Please add your initials to indicate consent for the Manchester Community Library to use photos of your volunteer activities in Library marketing materials such as social media posts, posts on our website, newsletters, and mailings.
My signature allows the Manchester Community Library to perform a criminal background check for the purposes of volunteering. This information will be kept confidential. My signature also authorizes the Library to verify any of the information on this application and to secure information from personal references. I understand that misrepresentation of any information may result in termination of my volunteer involvement. I am volunteering my time and understand that I will not be paid for my services as a volunteer and expect no monetary compensation.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Youth Volunteer Application (10+)

Please note parent/guardian signature required. Youth Volunteer applicants under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Volunteer opportunities of interest (check all that apply):
Technology skills:
Do you have any physical limitations?(Required)
Examples: cooking, arts and crafts, photography, reading, technology skills, etc.
Volunteers under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult when volunteering for Programs and Special Events.
Are you a student performing school or individual organizational service?
Days you are Available:
Please note preferred times of day (mornings, afternoons, and/or evenings).
Times of Day you are Availabile:
Emergency contact Name:
Emergency contact Name:
By adding my initials to the space below, I authorize the Manchester Community Library (MCL) to seek emergency medical treatment on my behalf in case of accident, injury, or illness while undertaking work as a volunteer and will not hold the MCL or its staff responsible in any way. I fully understand and agree to assume all risks involved in any and all duties that I perform for the MCL in my volunteer capacity. Such duties might include but are not limited to: reaching, pushing, lifting, bending, stooping, kneeling, and crouching; and other volunteer duties I agree to undertake. I agree not to hold the MCL, its agents and employees, or successors or assigns of said corporation, liable for any injuries or damage that I may sustain when representing the MCL during the course of my volunteer duties.
Please add your initials to indicate consent for the Manchester Community Library to use photos of your volunteer activities in Library marketing materials such as social media posts, posts on our website, newsletters, and mailings.
For consent.
For consent.
My signature allows the Manchester Community Library to perform a criminal background check for the purposes of volunteering. This information will be kept confidential. My signature also authorizes the Library to verify any of the information on this application and to secure information from personal references. I understand that misrepresentation of any information may result in termination of my volunteer involvement. I am volunteering my time and understand that I will not be paid for my services as a volunteer and expect no monetary compensation.
Parent/guardian signature required to certify that the applicant has your permission to volunteer at the Manchester Community Library.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.